Thursday 7 May 2009

End Questionnaire

Age? 22
Sex? Male
What is your degree subject (both if joint)? Film & Media and Communication Studies
Does ‘Being Bad’ relate well to the other modules you are taking? Yes.
If so, how? And if not, why not? One of the lectures we watched a film called 'Kids' as a part of the 'Bad Cinema' lecture. The discussions of the film and 'Bad Cinema' in general helped me with my film modules.
Have you found ‘Being Bad’ too demanding, too easy, or at an appropriate level? Appropriate level
Do you think the list of topics covered on the module was appropriate? Yes, some were controvercial to talk about or maybe even embarrasing?
Are there any topics not included in the module that you would like to see included? No
Do you think that the format for classes has worked well? Yes
What did you think of the module team? Very good team. Always there to help with blogs or assignments.
Do you think it would have been better to have had more:
Small group discussions? Not really, the discussions we had with fellow classmates in lectures was enough.
Discussion and debate among the class as a whole? There was always room for discussions in this module as I feel that this module was all about group debates and discussions. Increasing it will only makes things better.
Information and talk from lecturers? There was enough information given to me, therefore I'm sure there was enough given to everyone else.
The approach taken in the module is interdisciplinary (drawing on perspectives from English Literature, Film Studies, Creative Writing, Philosophy, Media Studies and Politics): do you think this a useful way of approaching the topics covered in the module?Yes because the lectures covered all these modules. For example, Bad Cinema covered the perpective of Film Studies.
Do you think that interdisciplinary modules are a good idea?Yes
Do you think you have benefited from the interdisciplinary approach taken in the module?Yes, beacuse we had discussions in the lectures that maybe i thought i could never have in a class.
Would you like to see more modules that cover this kind of subject matter? Yes beacuse i really enjoyed this module
Are you planning to take the follow-up module PH2004 ‘It Shouldn’t Be Allowed’ at level 2? I'm not certain yet, i will look into the module more and get some information on it.
Would you recommend ‘Being Bad’ to a friend? Definately. It was a great experience.
Do you think that the blogs (web logs) were a good idea?Yes Beacause I not only got to talk about issues of the world but share them with my peers.
What did you think of the other assessments (e.g. would it be better to have one longer assessment rather than two shorter ones?)? I think one long assesment would be better than two shorter ones beacause when you look at the work load of 3 assessments in this module, although they are not too difficult, at first glance it made me think that this module is going to be full of work.
What have you learned from the module? Learned alot about issues that i wouldn't normally talk about to people like drugs or masturbation. But I have also learned alot about the issues of the world as i have expressed in my blogs.
What parts of the module have you found most useful and why? I found the blogs most useful as I have addressed issues that I got to share with my classmates.
What parts do you think were a waste of time and why? Maybe full lectures dedicated to one subject like Body modification and Masturbation. I think these two subjects could be put together in one session to free up time for other issues.
Are there any other comments you wish to make regarding ‘Being Bad’? No, except I really enjoyed the module, it was a great experience.

Response to Blogs 2009 - "Tesco Being Bad"

I agree with his post as I believe that Tesco's have reduced their welfare standards by decreasing their price of chickens to £1.99 from £3.99 which has increased their profits by 75%. If they had made such a great profit then surely they should increase their welfare standards and not decrease them? The post talks about how Tesco's continues to say that they do apply the 'Five Freedom' principles but I agree that when Hugh Fearnley witnessed the living conditions of the chicken sheds he became a campaigner against Tesco's. I also agree that beacause Tesco's have started selling their chickens so cheaply that independant farmers will most definately go out of business.

My response to Moomin's Post - "One Night Stands"

I agree with this post as I believe that one night stands are definately bad. This post talks about issues which go beyond one night stands as the person talks about having a freind who had a child as a result of having a one night stand. I think this is definately immoral and agree that the child will grow up wondering who his father is and that is definately wrong.

Moomins Link:

Response to - Who loves Orange Soda's Post "Children watching too much TV and Playing on consoles"

I definately agree with this post as I do feel that children spend far too much time playing video games then doing their homework. Everytime I go to meet relatives the children I see always seem to be playing on their games consoles. I think as technology get's better the demand for CGI (computer generated image) games increases as adults love the entertainment too. So if adults love playing video games then children are also going to get influenced. They should definately be out there getting more exercise instead of poisoning their minds.

My response to Being Naughty's blog "Spitting"

I agree with this post, as I do believe that spitting is a bad habit usually done by men. Maybe its because men don't like horrible taste's in their mouth's which makes them want to spit it out? It's true that people who do it are spitting their germs onto the street which people share so therefore makes it unacceptable and disgusting. However limiting people to do such things is going to leave no freedom or liberty in this country.

This Person's link :

My response to Chloe's Post "smoking"

I agree with chloe on the dangers of smoking and how it causes a risk to your life in the long run as its unhealthy. I also do agree that the media have a major influence in making smoking cool and trendy, but that was in the past. Alot of smoking in the past was portrayed in films and tv programmes. I remember watching snooker the other day as they were showing old snooker championships from the seventies and a snooker player was smoking constantly after taking his shot. It was unbelievable to watch as we now can't smoke in doors. Therefore I think in this modern day and age smoking has been limited on tv and media, but there is a long way to go.

Cloe's link :

My response to Sues Post " The baby P case"

I agree with Sues Post on the " The baby P case" as I feel that it was very upsetting to the public to see a child killed by his parents in such a brutal way. I also agree with her question of why the two parents should have the right to appeal or be protected when they have committed a horrific crime in which they should be punished. I also agree that the the parents should most definately be exposed and made to face the consequences.

Sue's Link:


Although I think killing someone in any way or form is wrong, euthanasia is a problematic subject. Euthanasia is terminating someone’s life by their own will usually if the person is in a lot of pain and suffering. It must be a very difficult thing to do to end someone’s life as the person who does this has to live with it for the rest of their lives. But then again letting someone rest in peace isn’t entirely wrong or immoral is it?

Here is a website which talks about Euthanasia:

Tuesday 5 May 2009

Is Money Ruining Football?

Does money really buy success? It can be said that football teams in the Premiership spend alot of money on players to achieve success. Especially the top four which are Machester United, Chelsea, Liverpool and Arsenal. With teams spending so much on their players it makes it harder for the teams in the bottom of the division to compete with them. But this year Everton are in the final of the FA cup alongside Manchester United. This shows that money doesn't always lead to success as a team like Everton made it to the final with alot of good team play and determination. However, the league's top four have been there for many years and have proved too tough for teams like Everton or Tottenham Hostpur to compete for the Premier league title. But will teams like these ever brake the top four?

Here is a link which talks about over spending in football:

Monday 4 May 2009

Does Britain have a drink problem?

Drinking is perceived to be at the heart of our social lives, it helps us to relax, communicate and for some just give us a substitute 'buzz.' However, is it the stereotypical view of socialising that has pressured majority of the population to drink in order to have fun, or is it the accessibility of the substance that has made it an easy option to the British population to abuse it?

Here is a website link of a recent article on the affects of alcoholism: 

Saturday 2 May 2009

Swine Flu

Has our country prepared us for diseases like the swine flu?
The Swine flu has taken many lives in Mexico therefore our country should take the necessary precautions to avoid this deadly disease. However only a selected few in the UK have been provided with these precautions such as masks, medication etc. Shouldn't we all be protected against this?

Here is a useful website link that gives information about Swine Flu: 

Friday 1 May 2009


I think intoxicating your body with drugs is the worst thing you can do. If are bodies are our temples then why ruin them? Im not saying worship yourself, but keeping fit and healthy is the best thing you can do. Drugs are highly addictive and can kill why do them? I still struggle to think why people do, maybe its the momentary buzz it gives them, but sacrificing your life, health and well being for a moment of pleasure isn't right surely?

Here is a link which gives advice on how to stop taking drugs :

Thursday 30 April 2009

Violent Animation

Are violent cartoon's immoral? Although they are obviously made for adults, children are most certainly going to be attracted to them as they grow up watching cartoons. I remember when i first watched an episode of South Park when I was at school, the most obvious mass appeal was that it was funny, but contained way too many swears that children definately pick up on. Although they are funny, i think they should edit out the really crude swears so that children stop getting spoilt for choice on swearing!
Here is a website link for information about South Park :

Credit Crunch

Tuesday 28 April 2009

Does Reality TV show a reflection of real life?

I think shows like Big Brother do in some way show a reflection of real life, as there are camera's all over the big brother house which manage to glimpse and capture every moment of what the contestants get up to/ However, the contestants know that they are being watched which might make them alter their natural personas therefore showing a false identity. They might also change their images and personalities in order to get votes from audiences to win the cash prize. I think there's obviously two sides to this question and the answer is upto the audience who watch these programmes.
Here is a link which talks about big brothers past and present :

Monday 27 April 2009

Representation of Ethnic and Different Cultures in Soap Opera's

I think Soap operas and other TV shows are lagging behind real life in their portrayal of ethnic minorities. I feel that most of what is shown of ethnic minorities in soap’s doesn’t depict what ethnic people are really like. For instance in coronation street, a story line involving the Desai family who take over a corner shop can be heavily criticised for portraying Asian people in a stereo typical way. All corner shops aren’t owned by Asian people…surely?

here is a website link which discusses the issues I have raised :

Sunday 26 April 2009

Violent Video games

I think violence has definitely increased in the last decade or so because when I was a kid there wasn’t much violence and gore in games as there is maybe now. I remember the most violent game I played when I was young was Mortal Combat, which was a “beat-em up” game where there was a lot of blood used when you fought with an opponent. However, although I played this game it never influenced me or made me more violent. I think as graphics in games are better in this day and age compared to my teenage days, the violence is increasing as there is a more demand for it then before, as games were played purely for gameplay. However now people want to see CGI images and in-game video’s and perhaps thats why games are more violent?

here is a link which talks about violent video games :

Saturday 25 April 2009

Death For Entertainment

I think although Jade Goody’s death was deeply sad and a lot of public sympathy was shown towards her, I do think that her death should not have been so public in the form of entertainment. However if she didn’t have cancer, she would still be parading her wedding and selling it to magazines and tv channals. But I think she just wanted a good life for her children, so if she made a lot of money through her wedding for her children I don’t think its immoral or wrong.

Here a website link which shows pictures of Jade Goody's wedding :

Friday 24 April 2009


Rape is forcing someone to have sex without their consent. I think that is a sensitive topic as people who go through with the ordeal may be phycologicaly or emotionaly damaged. I think rapists or sex offenders should be put away for life as they don’t have the right to play with somebody’s life.

Here is a website link which deals with issues of rape and includes a help for victimes of rape:

Thursday 23 April 2009

My response to Kate's post - Shhhh!

I agree with Kate's post - "Shhhh!". I just can't stand it when you go watch an eagerly awaited movie and sum idiots, who tend to be school kids, make noise and play songs on their phones to distrupt your attention. I'm not much of a killjoy myself but everybody knows ur supposed to be quiet at a cinema, they even tell you on the screen to switch your mobile phones off and be silent! I know i sound like a grandad but I'm being reasonable...surely?


In this lecture we talked about infidelity. I'm sure everybody has a story to tell, however I can honestly say I've never cheated on a women before or vice versa. However everybody makes mistakes. I feel that if you've cheated on somebody once and you know you've done wrong and feel guilty and blameworthy then it can be understandable. However cheating on somebody over and over is absolutely wrong and should be unforgivable.

Tuesday 21 April 2009

Joining A Religious Cult

In this lecture we talked a lot about religion. The lecturer read us a prayer in the start of the lecture, which I felt was very spiritual and divine. I am a Sikh and I do believe in religion myself, however I don’t go to the temple as often as I should, maybe that’s why the prayer read by the lecturer made me reminisce. However the lecturer asked if any of us were offended by it? I was quite shocked to hear this actualy…how could someone be offended by a prayer?

Monday 20 April 2009


In this lecture we discussed all types of Gambling. I was surpised to find out that Car Insurance was gambling. This kind of shocked me at first, but when the lecturer explained, i realised how often we gamble without knowing or thinking. However I think more extreme forms of gambling like in a casino, gambling machines or even on the internet are highly addictive. Its addictive because we all like the idea of doubling our money, however we dont think more about the fact of losing it. Gambling will always be a frequently asked question in our society because of we have Institutionalised gambling like the National Lottery and Car Insurance.

here is one example of a popular gambling site :

here is another site which focuses on gambling addiction :

Sunday 19 April 2009


In this lecture we talked about smoking. In the start of the session, the lecturer asked us if we smoked and quite a few hands were raised. Then he asked how many of us had tried smoking and just as many people raised their hands. Therefore i feel that smoking, these days is definately a big social issue just as much as binge drinking is for todays youth. I also think that people dont realise the consequences of smoking although they may see it through adverts and even on cigerette packets it says "SMOKING SERIOSULY DAMAGES YOUR HEALTH". But i really dont think people think twice about it. Just like drinking, people dont realize they are damaging their health beacuse the alcohol looks so tempting and i guess the same applies for smoking. I think the government definately need to raise the age barrier of purchasing cigeretts to 18. Although this might make smoking more tempting to kids beacuse of the age restriction, they still would legally have to wait an extra two years. Surely an extra two years of life is better then none?

Here is a website which shows consequences of smoking :

Monday 13 April 2009

body modification

Body modification could be said to be more socially acceptable now then it may have been in the past. I think body piercing has come a long way since the days it was considered a taboo. Although it may still make people feel uneasy or uncomfortable seeing someone with metallic objects hanging off their bodies, I dont really seem to have a problem with someone who has transdermal implants or subdermal implants. Its all a matter of taste and choice. I wouldnt judge someone if they had their bodies modified with piercings or even tatoos for the same reason. However I still feel uneasy and edgy looking at the picture above. It looks painful!

Here is a website that shows a new "eyeball jewellery" fashion:

Sunday 12 April 2009


Prostitution could be seen to be one of the most oldest professions which may have developed from Victorian times. The Victorians could be seen to be tidy and elegant, however the truth suggested 1 in 3 Victorian homes were brothels due to child prostitution . I think this horrific statistic shows that prostitution has existed in our country for decades as it still exists today. Although prostitution is illegal in this country as society in general think it is wrong and immoral, why is ok for prostitution to be legal in other countries such as Mexico or Amsterdam?

Here is a site which tells general facts about prostitution in Mexico :

Monday 6 April 2009

Bad Cinema

This lecture was based on a film called Kids directed by Larry Clark. It is about a corrupt and immoral HIV positive teenager who sets out to have sex with as many virgin's as he can. Also the plot involves one of his victims who tries to stop him in the process. I think this film is a very pragmatic look at the social lives and activities of teenagers. I found some parts of the film very nauseating, especially when the central character has sex with an under age girl. Although this film explores the seedy side of life, the issues in this film are present in our society and i think this film forces us to realise these subject matters and not just turn a blind eye to them.

Here is a site where you can see photos and trailers of the film and also find out basic information about the film:

Friday 3 April 2009

Lying With Integrity

I believe that lying is wrong in most circumstances. However if you are lying for a good cause and for the benefit of a majority then I think lying doesn’t seem so bad because you are doing it with good intention. I believe that everyone has lied at least once or twice in their lives no matter how truthful they are. Lying is not something that we should consider a sin unless you are deceiving someone or intentionally trying to hurt someone with your own intentions at interest.

Thursday 2 April 2009


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Thursday 26 March 2009

my response to karens post - Death as Entertainment

I agree with Karens post on "Death As Entertainment". I do feel that especially in this credit crunch era where people are losing jobs, and a magazine pays millions of pounds to a dying Jade Goody does seem immoral in some way. Maybe its then notion of filming death? However on the other hand i think although filming Jade's death is in some way wrong as she was going through a certain death, i think it was her choice. Also i think Jade got her wedding filmed and sold her story to magazines just to make money for her children's upbringing, and that isn't immoral in my eyes as she wont even be here to see them grow up.


Being faithful these days in like starving yourself. Why does it appear so hard to be faithful to the person you love? This could be due to there being too many distractions that a man faces when he is in a relationship. He cannot even look at another girl without his partner punching him or giving him “the look”. Women are far too complicated and relationships are the hardest things that a man can do. So for all the women who demand men to be faithful just treat us with a little bit more courtesy and trust us!
Here is a website which deals with issues like infidelity and how to cope with it :

Thursday 12 March 2009

Bandits and Outlaws

I think this topic about bandits and outlaws is very interesting as in recent year’s bandits and outlaws are glamorised. Before, bandits and outlaws in films or in real life were considered immoral and evil figures. However, I feel currently, especially in films, the “bad guys” are praised and glorified like in the film “Scarface” directed by Brian De Palma is a story about a determined Cuban immigrant who takes over a drug empire while succumbing to greed, which eventually causes his death. I think this is a good example of a film that glamorises a morally wrong figure.

Here is a website which has articles on notorious outlaws of America :