Sunday 19 April 2009


In this lecture we talked about smoking. In the start of the session, the lecturer asked us if we smoked and quite a few hands were raised. Then he asked how many of us had tried smoking and just as many people raised their hands. Therefore i feel that smoking, these days is definately a big social issue just as much as binge drinking is for todays youth. I also think that people dont realise the consequences of smoking although they may see it through adverts and even on cigerette packets it says "SMOKING SERIOSULY DAMAGES YOUR HEALTH". But i really dont think people think twice about it. Just like drinking, people dont realize they are damaging their health beacuse the alcohol looks so tempting and i guess the same applies for smoking. I think the government definately need to raise the age barrier of purchasing cigeretts to 18. Although this might make smoking more tempting to kids beacuse of the age restriction, they still would legally have to wait an extra two years. Surely an extra two years of life is better then none?

Here is a website which shows consequences of smoking :

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